Scp 173 acts retarded out of its contaiment

so scp 173 was dancing in his contaiment cage and he then got a cat and put it on its head. so then its head went through the door and there was a guy named larry eating a pineapple. scp 173 then gets the pineapple and humps it. it then goes in a soldier room and starts blowing 5 tuba's.
it then went outside and there was a hobo smoking weed. and 173 stole his weed and put it up his butt. it then showed a fat man eating a hamburger messily outside. and scp 173 rolls next to him and jumps on him.
it then shows 173 smoking cocaine in his contaiment with scp 106. the soldiers then come in there naked and start throwing food at them.
it then shows scp 173 pressing multiple buttons then eating the whole sistom. it then shows a 6 feet computer on fire and scp 106 and scp 173 dancing around it. then scp 106 is burning in the fire. and it shows shrek eating scp 106. and scp 173 rides on a duck then jumps on a watter fountain.
173 is then in a elavator going down outside with this person with gta 4 animation. scp 173's eyes glow blue. and the guy turns to scp 173 and screams. 173 then pushes him off the elavator. 173 then bangs his head on a fence and a robot is sitting on a bench with a cat in his hands. scp 173 trys snapping its neck but it dosn't work so 173 just rips its head off. it then shows 173 jumping on the buttons. then at a garrage eating a car tire. a black soldier then comes and yelled freeze bitch!. he then starts shooting scp 173. he then shoots scp 173 with his feet. the stupid soldier then falls on the floor tired. scp 173 goes in front of him with 2 durito's bags.
they both sit on a bench eating dorito's and a guy falls off the roof and dies. so 173 then eats scp 087 and starts shooting a person with a pistol. 173 then eats the pistol and humps a lady.
173 is then spins on his head. 173 humps a barrel and gets in it and jumps on a soldier.
173 then is wering tucks. and goes in a room full of cats. he then steels a guys trophy and the guy screams at 173. and 173 eats him. 173 then opens a door with his dick and it shows 3 dead gay guys. and scp 173's eyes turn huge and it then shows a picture of justin beiber. 173 rips the picture in half. and a soldier says all class f's personal approach scp whatever for humping.scp 173 acts like its hassing a seizure thenshrek then comes in naked with a eye patch and a pirate hat with a watermelon. they then start dancing.
and a skeleton pops out...